Menu di San Valentino

The gold of Liguria is the olive oil and the gold of western Liguria is the extra virgin olive oil of Taggiasca olives.

The month of October for our farm, as for many others, means olive harvest, it means a lot of effort but also a lot of satisfaction.

Put the nets, ‘beat’ the olives, collect the olives, separate the olives from the leaves, load the olives on the vehicle and take them to the mill, often early in the morning so as not to find too many lines.

It is precisely at the mill that we see our efforts made, we understand how many quarts we have made, how many kg of olives and in the end how much new oil we take home.

Once at home, only the last step is missing, the most beautiful one: we take some new oil from the cans, toast some bread, boil some vegetables if we have time and finally taste, with a lot of curiosity, the new oil.

Because this will be the oil that will accompany the dishes of our restaurant throughout the year, which will dress the salads and will give taste and a ‘personal’ touch to all our dishes.

For the month of October we want to share with you the joy of discovering new oil.

For the whole month in our tasting menu there will be a beautiful addition: the tasting ‘in our own way’ of the new oil, of the 2020 extra virgin olive oil.

+ 39 338.705.2197